Wednesday, December 3, 2008

learning french...

bonjour - hello/good morning/good afternoon
bonsoir - good evening
salut - hi/bye
comment ca va - how are you
ca va - fine
ca va bien - i'm doing well
ca va mal - not well
pas mal - not bad
au revoir - good bye
a demain - see you tomorrow
bonne nuit - good night
adieu - farewell
a bientot - see you soon
comment vous appelez-vous - what is your name
voici - this is
il s'appelle - his name is
elle s'appelle - her name is
je vous presente - i would like to introduce


kyox said...


sK said...

bonjour~~ long time didn't hear anything frm u...

Izzatul Azma said...

hye, sy izza..
u r my blog's follower

drop here to say tenx n hye :)

sK said...

ur r u anyway??huhuhu

Raja Nadiah said...

ich haisse nadiah

ini german


my name is nadiah


sK said...

hehe...blaja german ka??hee

Cikgu Ije said...


MiszMaryaNe said...

anda kena tag..siler jwb..

MiszMaryaNe said...
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MiszMaryaNe said...

anda kena tag..siler jwb

CoklatChips said...

Aja bhase jepun plak bole..

sK said...

tag pe ni...xphm...huhuhuh

sK said...

bonsoir gak goasop...huhuh

sK said...

coklatchip...ok2...t org add bhsa jpun lak....huhuhu